Tenyésztőink / Berczeli Antal

_A142390Kennel name: Mátyás Király Udvari

Established in: 1991

Kennel address: Mátyás Király street 20, Tata, Hungary, 2890

Breeder’s name: Antal Berczeli and Bence Berczeli

Phone: +36-30-9270005, +36-70-7751030, +36-30-5003154

E-mail: berczeli@tvn.hu

home page: www.berczeli.tvn.hu

Breeder’s aims and principles

I began by breeding kuvasz in 1974, but later when we were looking for a good watchdog and a reliable playmate for our child, we switched to komondors in 1991. In doing so we received great help and assistance from fellow breeder, dr Bondor Lívia.

I have received the gold grade master breeder title in 1997. Together with my son, Bence, we are breeding komondors and pulis of all the four allowed color types. My dogs fill every moment of my life.

My main aim is to preserve and save the breed according to the guidelines set forth in the standard. In the breeding process, I pay special attention to reproduce well-balanced, stable dogs, so that they may fulfill any desired role.

Breeder’s pride, titles won

Through deliberate selection we have managed to secure the characteristic pigmentation and strong ossature of the breed. Even our larger than average dogs have perfect limbs and gait.

My dogs have won almost all national and international titles.

Based on the litters born in my kennel I am one of the leading breeders of komondors in Hungary.


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